​Perkins, Williams & Cotterill, Inc.
We at PWC love architecture and the opportunity it provides to make a difference. We work hard at our profession to create architecture and meet our client's needs. We are also a group of people who aspire to make a difference in the lives of those around us and on occasion we have the opportunity to go beyond architecture.

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
On April 26th, 2019, PWC staff had the opportunity to serve as a team at the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS). Not only was this experience fantastic for team-building, it was encouraging to contribute our time and energy to a worthy cause. The team was responsible for sorting and bagging a variety of fruits, vegetables, and canned goods.
SFBFS is a local, non-profit agency committed to serving individuals and families in need by alleviating their immediate pain and problems and moving them toward self-sufficiency and financial independence. With a staff of 88 and a volunteer force over 9,000 annually, SFBFS provides free emergency goods and services to 150,000 men, women and children each month.
We learned that the SFBFS distributes about 5 million pounds of food in a single month! The need and love of food is a common thread among all people. We need food to survive and thrive! That is what makes SFBFS's work so meaningful and important in the Sacramento community.
PWC was honored to volunteer and play a small part in making a huge difference.

The Adroit School of Architecture
PWC Partner - Roy Cotterill, is now a professor at Adroit School of Architecture in Sacramento, CA. This independent, educator owned school is named after one of its guiding principles, ‘Artificiosus Architectus’ meaning the adroit or skillful Architect. Adroit has created a curriculum to incorporate licensing requirements within a degree program referred to as ‘License upon Graduation’ LUG or Direct Licensure Path (DLP) initiative. Founder, Professor Umber Kazmi, set out on a noble cause to improve the skill of the Architect and revolutionize the ideal architectural curriculum. In past semesters, Roy has taught Construction Materials Lab courses in Wood and Concrete. He also teaches Professional Practice courses.

Little Libraries...Big Imagination
In April of 2015, the City of Citrus Heights installed 20 Little Free Libraries that are located throughout the City. The libraries function under the principal of “take a book, leave a book”. Perkins, Williams and Cotterill, sponsors one of these libraries located at the Citrus Heights Police Department parking lot.
Partner Brian Williams comments on the Little Free Libraries; “I hope children’s imagination will be expanded through reading and this quote from Dr. Seuss says it all... 'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go'.” Little Libraries foster a community-wide love for reading.

Going the Distance
Since 2008, PWC Partner Brian Williams has been a member of Team Will Charity. Team Will is a community of cyclists dedicated to raising public awareness and funds for childhood cancer research and family resources. Every other year, a group of cyclists embark on a 10-day coast-to-coast, cross country cycling journey called Go The Distance. This labor of love honors childhood cancer heroes and raises funds for families fighting cancer. Along the way, the team visits children’s hospitals to bring joy, laughs, and encouragement to Team Will Heroes. These children fighting cancer are called "heroes" because they face each day with courage and bravery and inspire others with their strength.
Brian has participated as a cyclist in five Go The Distance events and says, "the opportunity provides me a means for advocacy and financial support for these children and their courageous stories." Brian expresses how the desire to make a 'real' difference seems overwhelming at times; but the act of bringing a simple smile to a hero's face or the ability lighten the financial burden of medical costs, brings hope and compels him to keep trying. This physically and emotionally daunting adventure pushes the cyclists to the limit, but when the going gets tough, they think of their courageous heroes and ride on. After dedicating his time and sweat to five Go The Distance rides, Brian says he "has ended up being the one blessed."

Making a difference in Menouf, Egypt
PWC's own partner Brian Williams volunteered to help with conceptual design for a new hospital in Menouf, Egypt. Working with IDD, an International Design and Development organization and a team of volunteers from USA, Brian stretched his experience base to help make a difference. IDD mobilizes design professionals to provide design assistance to clients in developing nations who are helping the poor. The design team worked with hospital leadership to understand the vision of the hospital and create programming and schematic plans for a 8-story new hospital building.